Overtiredness and Babies: Understanding and Managing Sleep Challenges

Overtiredness and Babies: Understanding and Managing Sleep Challenges

  • By Tamar Paluch
We all know the feeling of being so tired that you fall asleep before your head hits the pillow - unless you’re a baby, it seems. Exhausted cries, incessant fussiness, and endless tossing and turning are signs that baby has skipped past that window of sleep time a little too quickly. Even the most patient caregivers can struggle with an overtired little one. Read on to learn some effective strategies for getting your baby - and you - to sleep soundly.

What Does It Mean When We Say “Overtired Baby”?

Overtiredness triggers a reaction which releases cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones, which makes it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Learning to recognize the signs of tiredness is key to keeping your baby well-rested. Signs that a baby is tired include rubbing eyes, pulling ears, yawning, zoning out or clinging. You will know if a baby is overtired if they are overstimulated and particularly difficult to console. They may wake up shortly after bedtime or have many waking moments during a nap.

How to Get an Overtired Baby to Sleep

The first step for tackling overtiredness is establishing a sleep routine. Consistency and predictability are key when it comes to establishing healthy sleep habits. Creating a schedule trains a baby’s body to expect sleep. Establishing a calming bedtime routine alerts your baby that it is time to wind down. This could include activities such as a warm bath, gentle massage, soft music, or reading a bedtime story.

Next, create a conducive sleep environment for your baby. Ensure the room is dark, quiet, and comfortably cool. Consider using white noise machines or gentle lullabies to support relaxation and block out any distractions.

Babies often fight sleep when they most need it. Offering an overtired baby comfort and reassurance is one of the best things you can do. Provide some gentle physical contact, such as rocking, cuddling, or swaddling, to help your baby feel safe and secure. Experiment with different soothing techniques to find what works best for your little one.

Can You Let an Overtired Baby Cry It Out?

There are many schools of thought when it comes to sleep training, and it is important to find one that suits your lifestyle and parenting style. The key factor here is teaching baby healthy sleep habits. “Crying it out” is a method which was once popular, but advanced understanding about child development suggests that gentler approaches are more beneficial. Techniques such as the "pick up, put down" method or gradual extinction can help your baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. It is important to help your baby develop self-soothing skills, otherwise some of the classic methods like rocking and swaddling become “sleep crutches”, making it more difficult for your baby to fall and stay asleep.

How to Break the Cycle of an Overtired Baby

Overtiredness is like being on a continuous loop. For this reason, creating a healthy daily routine is so important. Routines will benefit your baby and will also support a calmer family rhythm and more sleep for already-maxed parents.

If you have found yourself on the overtiredness track, you will need to step aside and make a plan to get back into action. Using an app, like the Emulait app, can help you track and record your baby’s daily rhythms, and identify their wake windows and sleep cues. Some important tips:

  • Be aware of age-appropriate wake windows. As babies grow, they need less nap time but remember that good night sleep feeds off good day sleep.
  • Act promptly when you notice signs of drowsiness. Put your baby down for a nap or bedtime at the first signs of tiredness.
  • Try to be consistent when you are trying to reset a sleep pattern as it takes a few days for the system to reset. It will pass - but not without a bit of hard work.
  • Be prepared for setbacks and be gentle with yourself and your baby as you navigate this journey together.

In Conclusion

No matter how tight a ship you run, you can always find yourself with an overtired baby. Patience, consistency, and perseverance will help your little one find the rest they need. Restorative sleep is critical to healthy development and worth prioritizing for the sake of everyone in the household. However, as with all things “baby” - it is important to stay flexible. As your baby grows, their sleep needs change and as they experience development spurts you will likely experience interruptions to their sleep routine.

Finally, navigating sleep challenges can be exhausting and frustrating. Know that it is ok to pop your baby in the crib securely and step out of the room if you need to take a breather. If you are able to enlist help from family or friends, simply ask! When you look after yourself, you can look after your baby best.