• Mom nursing baby using Emulait Anatomy Bottle Mom nursing baby using Emulait Anatomy Bottle

    A baby bottle shaped like a breast

    Create a personal bond between you and your baby, with the Emulait nipple shapes designed to emulate the experience of breastfeeding.

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Ubbi Drying Rack and Brush

Emulait x Ubbi are thrilled to share
our limited-edition Drying Rack.

Emulait x Ubbi are thrilled to share
our limited-edition Drying Rack.

Every Drying Rack comes with
an Emulait Bottle Brush.

Shop While Supplies Last

Every Drying Rack comes with
an Emulait Bottle Brush.

Shop While Supplies Last

Prisvindende Fodringssystem

2024 JPMA

I modsætning til almindelige sutteflasker reagerer vores Responsive Flow-ventil på barnets egen suttekraft. Jo mere ihærdigt barnet sutter, desto mere mælk kommer der. Ved et blidere sug falder gennemstrømningen. Ingen anden flaske efterligner naturens mekanismer lige så præcist.

Glass Classic Bottle

For families seeking an eco-conscious feeding option, we have designed a Glass Classic Bottle to deliver families a sustainable, durable and easy-to-clean version of our Classic bottle.

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Familier elsker oss

As a mother of 8, I can affirm that these are the best pacifiers I've ever seen. No issues integrating them right from birth (even for my premature daughter).

Ém Champoux

Little man has a tongue tie which may be preventing him from getting a good latch even though I’m producing plenty. So today my husband introduced his first bottle (the breast shaped Emulait bottle) and little man took the bottle no problem and still returned to breast for his next feeding. Thank you so much for creating this bottle

Leah Hebert

My baby is 13mo and has never been able to figure out any bottle. I’ve tried 6 different ones, multiple times, before I gave up. HE CAN DRINK THIS ONE!!! Literally genius idea, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Fem brystvorteformer - i fem forskellige farver

Emulait er den første biomimetiske sutteflaske af sin slags, som kopierer moderens bryst i form, følelse og funktion.

Vores vision er at hjælpe familier med at give deres babyer den bedst mulige madoplevelse, mindske kløften mellem flaske og bryst samt støtte længerevarende amning.

Læs mere om videnskaben bag vores sutteflasker

Fra bloggen

Loving Father and Baby Lying down, Baby with Rose Emulait Pacifier Loving Father and Baby Lying down, Baby with Rose Emulait Pacifier

Vi støtter alle babyer og deres familier

Vi fejrer mangfoldigheden og mener, at alle skal føle sig set og repræsenteret på deres unikke ammerejse.

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